Thursday, January 17, 2002

Generation game

I could’ve save myself so much time and effort if I’d had access to the artists statement generator when I was at uni.

Work of Meta-Art in the Age of Generative Reproduction
The flux creates, the empire permeates. In the synaptic artifice, art objects are resurrections of the iterations of the flux -- a flux that uses the empire as a parallax to enmesh ideas, patterns, and emotions. With the devolution of the electronic environment, the flux is superseding a point where it will be free from the empire to consume immersions into the machinations of the delphic artifice. Work of Meta-Art in the Age of Generative Reproduction contains 10 minimal shockwave engines (also referred to as "AI modules") that enable the user to make nice audio/visual compositions.

Measuring chains, constructing realitiesputting into place forms
a matrix of illusion and disillusion
a strange attracting force
so that a seduced reality will be able to spontaneously feed on it

The work investigates the nuances of surveillance cameras through the use of stopframe motion and close-ups which emphasise the Generative nature of digital media. Random explores abstract and lustrous scenery as motifs to describe the idea of cyber-intuitive artifice. Using magical loops, vectors, and allegorical images as patterns, Random creates meditative environments which suggest the expansion of art...

<-- Obligatory ascii sig. Repeat until desired cyborg effect is achieved. -->

/u[0]{)]|]]-] -------------/u/u!@#$%^~!@#$%^&*()) __++_)(*&^%$--------/u/u!@#$%^~!@#$
%^&*())__++_)(*&^%$--------/u/u!@#$ %^~!@#$%^&*())__+, etc., etc.

<-- End obligatory ascii sig. -->

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