Saturday, October 12, 2002

Fish fest

I ate fish!1

Previously, I have been equal measures afraid of and disgusted by seafood.2

The only thing I liked less than fish generally was mexican walking fish, specifically.3

For example.

friend: i have made this delicious pasta for us to eat together!
me: what is that can you are opening? is it SPAM?
friend: no, it is tuna.
me: aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggh. fish!
friend: but it's tuna!
me: and what is tuna?
friend: a fish?
me: yes. a fish.

And then I would insist on a separate portion of whatever it was, unpoluted by fish.

Also, I hated fish, in general, not just to eat.

friend: that's a picture of fish on that mug you're drinking out of there!
friend: ha!

friend: look at the precious golden carp in the picturesque water feature right next to where we are sitting, eating! it's fins are rotting and it's eyes are all googley.
friend: ha!

friend: yes we have no fish in the tank at the moment. they've all EATEN EACH OTHER.
me: aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggh.cannibal fish!
friend: ha!

friend: i'll have to flush this dead fish... 4 or will I just use it to TORTURE her!?
friend: ha!

But in the last year, I've been rethinking my fish phobia. Cutting a whole food group out of my life, based on just one bad experience when I was, three5, began to seem unreasonable.

Up until a month ago, the only other times I ate seafood had been:
1. Under duress. An 'orrible ex boyfriend tried to make me eat a sardine. I vomited.
2. While very, very, very drunk. A strange, but nice, elderly Polish man fed me oysters at a friends wedding.
3. In the name of science. Do prawns crackers really taste like prawns?6

But then, when I was in Brisbane, I had dinner with M and tried some of her fish. It wasn't too disgusting.

me: so that's fish?
M: yeah, sorry, i forgot.
me: no, no, it's alright, i hate it, but it doesn't disgust me if someone else is eating it.7
M: i can hardly taste it at all with all the sauce.
me: i've actually been thinking about trying to eat seafood.
M: you should try this – you wouldn't taste it with all the sauce.
me: ok. cut me off a really tiny piece.
M: here.
me: smaller.
M: here.
me: no, smaller.
M: that's tiny.
me: not tiny enough.
M: here.
me: hey! it tastes OK.
M: it tastes like sauce.

So I sought other seafood input.

R, A and A2 said: of course it tastes like fish. all fish tastes like fish. that's why it's fish.
D: you should eat fish, it's really good for you.
C: if you get the stuff with lots of added flavours, you won't taste it at all.
M: tuna sandwiches are good.

Then, on Tuesday night I ate some tuna. Zesty lime with cracked black pepper.

It was OK. It didn't even taste like fish.

It did smell a little like cat food, but I tried hard not to dwell on that.

Later, however...

me: hey I can't believe that fish totally wasn't disgusting!
A: yep.
me: next time one of those fish dies, i'm slapping it on the barbeque!
A: really?
me: no. i still really really hate their googley eyes. why can't science genetically engineer fish without googley eyes?
A: or NO eyes!
me: oh sweet jesus noooooooooooooooooooooooo. blind eyeless fish. that's worse than the axolotyl.
A: ha!

1. Actual tuna. Not a euphemism.
2. I didn't hate everything about the sea. Loathed: salt water, the beach, sunburn, boats, all most seafood and sea life, salt water, brine, the smell of fish, waves, surfers, sunshine, seaweed. Quite liked: pirates, mermaids, coral, sunken treasure, phosphoresce, desert islands, giant turtles (for riding not for eating), and snorkelling.
3. The axolotyl is an abomination.
4. For a while I used the other toilet. I could see the fish returning, all dead and rotting, swimming back up and biting me.
5. When I was very small my parents and grandparents and I went to a seafood restaurant, on our way back from a family drive to the Gold Coast. There was fish stew. My mother put some on her finger and got me to taste it. It was disgusting and I was very upset. All the adults laughed. My mother totally denies that this ever happened. But she got all shifty when I started mentioning details like fairy lights and the outdoor setting. She knows what she did.
6. They do.
7. Not strictly true.

Thursday, January 17, 2002

Generation game

I could’ve save myself so much time and effort if I’d had access to the artists statement generator when I was at uni.

Work of Meta-Art in the Age of Generative Reproduction
The flux creates, the empire permeates. In the synaptic artifice, art objects are resurrections of the iterations of the flux -- a flux that uses the empire as a parallax to enmesh ideas, patterns, and emotions. With the devolution of the electronic environment, the flux is superseding a point where it will be free from the empire to consume immersions into the machinations of the delphic artifice. Work of Meta-Art in the Age of Generative Reproduction contains 10 minimal shockwave engines (also referred to as "AI modules") that enable the user to make nice audio/visual compositions.

Measuring chains, constructing realitiesputting into place forms
a matrix of illusion and disillusion
a strange attracting force
so that a seduced reality will be able to spontaneously feed on it

The work investigates the nuances of surveillance cameras through the use of stopframe motion and close-ups which emphasise the Generative nature of digital media. Random explores abstract and lustrous scenery as motifs to describe the idea of cyber-intuitive artifice. Using magical loops, vectors, and allegorical images as patterns, Random creates meditative environments which suggest the expansion of art...

<-- Obligatory ascii sig. Repeat until desired cyborg effect is achieved. -->

/u[0]{)]|]]-] -------------/u/u!@#$%^~!@#$%^&*()) __++_)(*&^%$--------/u/u!@#$%^~!@#$
%^&*())__++_)(*&^%$--------/u/u!@#$ %^~!@#$%^&*())__+, etc., etc.

<-- End obligatory ascii sig. -->

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

I, spy

OK, so today at work I needed to come up with a code name for myself.

I could tell you why, but obviously I’d have to kill you then.

Boom boom.

In the end, I went old skool and signed on as 004.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Another day another dollar

Today I’m experiencing really intense identification with Tina the Brittle Tech Writer.

To dull the pain, I've:
-sucked down a BigLaté from the health food shop downstairs
-bashed out a letter to Nike CEO Phillip Knight calling for better conditions for workers
-firmed my resolve to get some headphones so I can listen to music and not co-irkers

And wasted time at:
the age
tomato nation
mister pants

More worthily:
community aid abroad
nike campaign
more nike stuff
nike wages